
Authors: L. A. Frank and F. Morandi
Title: Vitamin A failed to ameliorate clinical signs in dogs with pituitary-dependent hypercortisolaemia
Full source: Vet Dermatol, 2021,Vol Document type: Journal Article

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BACKGROUND: In dogs with pituitary-dependent hypercortisolaemia, retinoic acid was shown to lower cortisol, reduce pituitary tumour size and decrease clinical signs when administered for six months. Oral vitamin A (retinol) has been used to treat various canine dermatoses in which retinoic acid has been efficacious. OBJECTIVES: To determine if orally administered vitamin A lowers cortisol and reduces clinical signs in dogs with pituitary-dependent hypercortisolaemia over a five month period. METHODS AND MATERIALS: Five dogs were enrolled in this study. Diagnosis of hypercortisolaemia was based on the presence of at least three clinical signs and one abnormal screening test. Diagnosis of pituitary-dependent disease was based on low dose dexamethasone suppression (LDDS) test results and symmetrical adrenal glands on ultrasound. Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) stimulation testing and adrenal ultrasound were performed at each visit. Plasma was collected at each visit and stored at -80°C for batch analysis of endogenous ACTH at conclusion of the study. RESULTS: Four dogs completed the study. A fifth dog died from complications of hypercortisolaemia before the third month. One dog showed improvement in clinical signs, yet there was no significant decrease in adrenal gland size or cortisol concentrations. Endogenous ACTH concentrations at the fifth month were decreased from baseline in two dogs and increased from baseline in one dog. The treatment had no adverse effects. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL IMPORTANCE: Results from this study failed to show an improvement in clinical signs or cortisol concentration after five months of oral daily vitamin A in dogs with hypercortisolaemia.